Agartala, Oct 3 (TIWN) The first batch of trainee sub – inspectors of police, who have completed one year training at the KTD Singh police training academy, were commissioned into the Tripura Police Service on Thursday. Speaking at the passing-out parade of SIs at the Police Academy Chief Minister Manik Sarkar congratulated the newly-appointed SIs, and welcomed them to "one of the nation's most prestigious police forces."
The CM then went on to address a rousing speech to the SIs. "As part of the police force, you have a job like no other. And, it is your duty to work within the bounds of law, to ensure that justice is done, and that all those who come in the way of justice are duly punished. Honesty must be your constant companion."
"You owe it to the security of your job to accomplish it with honesty and sincerity. You owe it, not only to your superiors, not only to your government, not only to the people, but, most importantly, to yourself. If, after a day's work, you can think of it for 10 minutes, and tell yourself with utmost honesty that you have done your duty, only then will you become a truly great police officer," advised the Chief Minister.
Mr. Sarkar called upon them not to forget what they had learnt in the Academy during training period and execute their duties as a police officer in such a manner to protect the interest of general public.
Chief Minister Manik Sarkar presented trophies to the outstanding SI recruits at the passing out parade held at the parade grounds on academy premises at Narsinghgarh. A total of 75 cadets were trained in the academy.
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