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Landlord is not allowing tenant to enter house after returning from Chennai : Helpline numbers are allegedly not Helpful
TIWN May 29, 2020
TIWN May 29, 2020
PHOTO : Stranded people returned state(File Photo)
AGARTALA, May 29 (TIWN): A tenant after returning from Chennai on thursday being resisted by his landlord to enter in house out of the fear of getting infected.
He returned from Chennai yesterday and stayed the night in Badharghat station. In morning when he tried to enter his rented house, the landlord showed objection. Later he came to went to West PS seeking for help and they provided 'Help center' number.
He said to media,"I've tried to call on the helpline numbers but one is saying switched off while another one is not answering. Now I am seeking help from government. As institutional quarantine centers are there and according to the procedure the returnees stays in those centers for 14 days after they returns, I am requesting the government to take me to the quarantine center."
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