TIWN Oct 28, 2019
MANU BAZAR, Oct 28 ( TIWN ) : Tripura BJP Govt loosing their popularity by showing their incapability of taking decisions in last 18 months. Vision Documentary turned as huge JUMLA of them.
A poor old woman named NaniBala Debnath in Manubazar under Saat Chand block of south Tripura, after hearing about the notice of closing old aged pension, rushed to the OC of Manubazar fir help. The Govt has circulated thousands of notices like this to everyone under gram panchayet and Nagar panchayet of different areas of the whole state.
In Vision Document, they have said that, after BJP and IPFT Union's Govt coming to the power of Tripura, they will provide minimum two thousand pensions from their first cabinet meeting which turned out as biggest JUMLA. They didn't say that they will cut poor people's name from the pension list like they are doing now, inhumanly.
During the period of Left Govt. they used to give the money on the basis of families who's yearly income is less than 1 lakh. But now the present BJP govt is trying to rectify the process by cutting the names on the basis of BPL card without thinking about how will this poor people survive.
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