TIWN May 1, 2017

AGARTALA, May 1 (TIWN): With 12 charter points of demands, Tripura Pradesh Congress has called for 24 hours strike on May-18 (Thursday) across Trpura, Congress State President Birjot Sinha said. Eventhough amidst skeleton like structure Tripura Congress’s strike attempt seems to get a cold response but a major portion of Northern Tripura, Unakoti Dist reportedly to be highly effected due to the strike. Earlier also in Northern Tripura and Agartala City Congress’s strike received a well response amidst pitiable condition of the party. However, Congress will raise 12 points including Chit Fund issues, 10,323 teachers who lost their jobs, demand for 7th Pay Commission, instead of TTADC to launch TTAC other demands. A source said that the party is expecting huge response from Unakoti, North Tripura areas on the strike day as till day Congress have some influence on the people at those areas. April 25th’s rally came from North Tripura led by Seva Dal also joined by a huge number of Congress supporters from Unakoti & North Tripura.
Another important point raised by Congress is regarding the delaying of compensation money to the affected families at border areas. Also zero point border fencing work’s faster completion’s demands to be raise during the protest.
On the other hand instead of returning the money to the chit fund affected people, Tripura Govt had allegedly secured the business of Rose Valley like companies with its moral support. Moreover, the oppositions claimed that from the beginning CPI-M has taken plan-wise steps so that Rose Valley never comes under any CBI. In 2013 with an aim to cancel CBI inquiry against Rose Valley the cases were sent with a very minimum account, so that no CBI inquiry could occur in coming future.
However, with all these allegations Congress has called for a 24 hours strike on may18.
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