TIWN April 15, 2017
AGARTALA, April 15 (TIWN): After enjoying the uprising of left front party power in Tripura, finally Chief Minister accepted while talking to media to greet the state that the last year was not at all good for the Govt. However, CM's target was the Centre and slashing of various funds, NITI Ayog tracking etc and most importantly bundles of court cases, which the Govt is dealing. However, the report says that the coming year would be more tough for ruling party as Jut Mill employees have filed case in HC for disobeying the SC's order. Apart from that 10,323, promotion cases jolts are there with the left front Govt. In this situation the New Year may turn more critical as Agriculture Dept is also going to file case in High Court for illegal recruitments. Sarwashiksha teachers jobs all are in risk ahead of the Assembly Election. There are 5 cases to hit the govt including 10,000 teachers jobs, Jute Mill, Agri-Officer recruitment scam, Sarwashiksha and promotion case. In this condition question remains how far the coming days will be good for the left front party?
10,323 case is not exceptional, but there are more 156 cases similar which are pending at Supreme Courtpresently and all are against Tripura CPI-M govt. When resentments and demands of the public were neglected to get importance, public knocked the door of law and a survey says that in maximum cases public's allegation have proven as true in the High Court.
However, few cases which causes which caused major loss for Tripura Govt was further challenged in Supreme Court and stay order was brought against High Court's verdict. However, in important cases like DA, Promotion case already all other states have been defeated. Thus the persons who have gone to retirement also they will get the 31 % DA since 1/1/2009 to 27/8/2011, in 3 installments. So the first installment will be started from 1/7/2016, if the case is lost by Tripura Govt. But if 10,323 case is lost it will devastate all the families.
Atleast 1678 cases in Tripura High Court and 157 cases at the Supreme Court totaling 1835 cases are pending against the Tripura Govt. This Law Dept of Tripura was bound to reveal the data in the Assembly when one Congress MLA Ratan Lal Nath placed the question before the Law Dept. Replying the question raised by Nath, Law Dept. led by Minister Tapan Chakraborty said, ".presently at High Court there are 1678 cases and 157 cases at Supreme Court are under trial".
However, in the year 2015 there were 639 cases at High Court and 93 cases at Supreme Court had came under trail. In the year 2016 the number of cases at High Court was 1172 and at Supreme Court was 68.
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