KAILASAHAR, June 26 (TIWN): Reacting sharply on the TRIPURAINFOWAY's news published on 23rd June about irregularities in the tune of Rs 70 lakhs in the Animal Resource Development Department (ARDD) Unakoti District, Principal Secretary Dr V K Bahuguna called Director ARDD Dr Dharmeswar Das in his office on the 24th June and instructed him to start a thorough investigation - informed a top level ARDD official to TIWN. The official also confirmed that the Principal Secretary took the firm decision after the getting the details of the irregularities published in TRIPURAINFOWAY on 23rd June. Accordingly at 10.30am on Thursday, June 26, Director ARDD Dr Dharmeswar Das rushed to Kailasahar, said TIWN sources.
Earlier on 20th June Principal Secretary Dr V K Bahuguna instructed Director Dr Dharmeswar Das to make an investigation (Bahuguna on 19th June smelt a rat in the scheme from the ARDD Officials of Unakoti) on this matter; mysteriously Dr Dharmeswar Das returned to Agartala by 3.30pm on that day and reported the Principal Secretary that only four of the High Yielder Cows died so far. It is learnt from the reliable sources that instead of making any investigation Director remained busy in entertaining Assistant Director Dr Sanjib Sinha (appointed as implementing officer of the Unakoti Dairy Project Scheme) and Dr Samiran Sinha( appointed as Allied officer) in Bhangmun and submitted his report as per the suggestions given by his two subordinate officials(Both Sinha officers are related to Congress leader Birajit Sinha). But once the news published in TRIPURAINFOWAY the ARDD top level officials including Principal Secretary were stunned. Immediately Dr V K Bahuguna ordered a further enquiry indicating that he himself will personally look into the matter if he is not satisfied with the Director's report.
The plot of this event was created by the State Govt. and ARDD. For the last few years Govt. of Tripura has been getting awards from the Central Govt. for the implementation of various centrally sponsored funds. Tempted by this ARDD too made a blue print to get Central Award as a 'self sufficient state in milk production'. As per the Central Guideline, to attain self sufficiency in milk production every citizen of the state must get 170-180ml milk every day. Taking refuge in lies ARDD has prepared a report that at present each citizen is getting 140ml milk every day. And in order to fulfill its plan ARDD took an initiative under the guidance of Director Dr Dharmeswar Das and his loyal officials to initiate a project of Rs 36 crores (buying High Yielder Cows from outside the state).
According to TIWN sources based on his personal relationship with the then DM, Unakoti Abhisekh Chandra, Director Dharmeswar Das urged him to put the charge of this project to Assistant Director ARDD Dr Sanjib Sinha and Incharge of Kailasahar Veterinary Hospital Dr Samiran Sinha. The then DM Unakoti allocated a fund of Rs 60 lakh on 29 th January and further an amount of Rs 10 lakh to Assistant Director ARDD, Unakoti Dr Sanjib Sinha and Incharge of Kailasahar Veterinary Hospital Dr Samirna Sinha and the two officials went to Mysore, Karnataka bought 59 High Yielder Cows, capable of giving 15-20 litre milk per day. But no utilization certificate was submitted yet. Still DM Unakoti further issued a cheque of Rs 40 lakh in favour of Assistant Director (Cheque no 587331 dt 15/05/2014) just before his transfer from Unakoti District. As per rules the then DM could not empower Asst Director as the implementing officer ahead of Deputy Director. Moreover, Asdistant Director did not take the permission from the Higher Purchaser Committee (HPC) headed by Chief Secretary as the Chairman (it is mandatory for each department to take such permission from HPC for any purchase amounting more than Rs 50 lakh)
However, after the transfer of DM Abhisekh Chandra, new DM M K Nath took notice of the incident and called Deputy Director Dr Samarendra Das in his office and got the details from him. And he had considerable amount of doubt about the regularities of such funds alloted in favour Unakoti Dairy Project. On 2nd June a series of discussion was held between current DM Unakoti M K Nath and Deputy Director Dr. Samarendra Das and after this meeting the Deputy Director ARDD Unakoti Dr Samarendra Das issued a memorandum stating, "DM & Collector, Unakoti District has instructed me not to encash the aforesaid cheque untill further instruction from him and the said cheque has been kept under the custody of the Inchage ,General Section of this office."
Meanwhile it is learnt from a top level TIWN sources in the ARDD that out of the 59 high yielder cows(each cow costs Rs1 to 1.125 Lakh approx) - 8 full grown cows, 10 cows of Damri species and 8 calves already died and 15 more are fighting for their survival. And the sources also add that out 15 ailing cows 4-5 died on 25th June. Generally such cows require scientifically built accommodation and huge amount of fodder (Rs- 400-500 per cow each day). But all the 59 cows were distributed to BPL families who neither have such accommodation nor they can afford to spend Rs-400-500 each day for a cow. As such due to the lack of proper accommodation and adequate food 30 cows (including 8 calves) died and many are almost dying.
A top level ARDD official (unwilling to reveal his name) told TIWN correspondent over phone," Actually Director ARDD, the then DM Unakoti totally violated the rules and such huge amount of fund was wasted for some unknown reasons. Though the matter is such a serious one, the ARDD Minister is yet to take a note of it. Being angry with the attitude of the Director Dharmeswar Das and Abhisekh Chandra, Principal Secretary Dr V K Bahuguna has brought this matter to the notice of the Chief Minister Manik Sarkar and Chief Secretary Dr. S K Panda along with the details of the news published in TRIPURAINFOWAY." The Chief Minister is learnt to have asked the ARDD Minister Aghore Debbarma to look in to the overall incident. And the official also said that without taking any action against the guilty, the Director transferred the Deputy Director of ARDD Unakoti to the Pigs Breeding Centre, at Nalkata. This may be the outcome of the rage of Director ARDD against the Deputy Director, who has brought the matter to the new DM Unakoti. However, the official informed that Chief Secretary Dr. S K Panda instructed the Principal Secretary V K Bahuguna to look into the matter so that the truth comes out. Immediately, Dr Bahuguna rebuked Director Dharmeswar Das on this issue and instructed him to go to Kailasahar. Straightway the Director set out for Kailasahar from the Principal Secretary's office and on Thursday made a door to door survey about the High Yielder Cows and is learnt to be staying in Kailasahar on Thrusday (June 26) night.
TRIPURAINFOWAY.com News published on 23rd June on same issue :
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- Inter-ST Hostel Football competition begins to motivate young generation against Drug-abuses
- Public Blocked Road Protesting Severe Water Crisis in Kailashahar
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