TIWN Jan 29, 2017

AGARTALA, Jan 29 (TIWN): Again major faceloss for Tripura Govt. as the Central Govt noticed the RD Principal secretary for the selection of Village Resource Persons (VRPs) and imparting training for facilitation of Social Audit was not done in Tripura. Apart from that many other issues were raised by the Central RD dept. as for not sending proper datas, not keeping records properly, lack of technical uses etc. “It was found that Social Audit Unit (SAU) of two states (Orissa & Tripura) did not have its own bank account; the state Secretaries should fill up the gaps as soon as possible. Apart from that state Tripura’s NREGA Status says that neither the implementing agency nor the SAU sought any record/information from district/block/GP level as required under the rules. Therefore there was little assurance of examination of records by the SAU relating to execution of works and expenditure incurred thereon.â€, the notice further said. It’s worthy to mention here that whereas no proper data was given by the state govt. on the other side, clamours for being in 1st position for MGNREGA mandays are on peak.
It’s often said that Tripura Govt has been successful in proper distribution of NREGA works, but the state Govt data itself revealed that on the last financial year only Rs. 5 was hiked in REGA wage. Whether earlier it was 67 rupees, later it became 72 rupees from the 2016 April.
Out of 497 GPs where Social Audit was conducted during 2014-15, in 197 GPs, doorto-door visit to meet beneficiaries of the MGNREGS and share relevant information with them was not done, said the report.
In 4 states, there was no evidence of physical verification of project sites including Chattisgarh, Gujarat, Tripura and Uttar Pradesh, report said. In 135 GPs in 11 States, Gram Sabha meetings were not held to discuss the findings of Social Audit…..including Tripura.
IN 560 GPs in 20 States, Gram Sabha meetings were not chaired by an elderly person including Tripura. In 577 GPs in 15 States, SARs were not displayed on the notice board of the GP, which also includes Tripura.
In 881 GPs in 21 States, there was no wall painting to display details of money paid to job cardholders, including Tripura. It was noted that in 11 States public hearing after Social Audit was not held at block level, including Tripura.
The total number of Panchayat is 33 there. These unspent funds reflect the failure of the government to achieve the set targets as atleast Rs. 20 lakhs have remained unspent in under every Panchayats.
Whereas state is continuously imposing pressure upon the central Govt. for fund allocation under MGNREGA, the unspent money in Bishalgarh RD Block has left unaccounted. It’s to be mentioned here that the central govt. has red marked REGA works lapses (FY 2016-17) and this Bishalgarh RD Block has remained under controversy consistently.
As per the revised estimate, the government failed to spend money on almost every sector of urban and development to social welfare.
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