TIWN Jan 25, 2021

AGARTALA, Jan 25 (TIWN): Tripurainfoway.com (TIWN) Editor Saumen Sarkar while addressing on Sunday in his 11 PM's Facebook Live has slammed Education Minister Ratanlal Nath for his lecture to the unemployed youths about Atma-Nirvar in replacement of house-to-house Govt jobs. Addressing in Facebook Live, TIWN Editor Saumen Sarkar said, "Amid much attacks, TIWN will work as the mouthpiece of the Common men and the Govt through its attacks only has acted like a coward. Today, when 10323 teachers are struggling, Education Minister Ratanlal Nath is busy delivering hyped lectures. The leader, whose words don't have 5 paisa value, quotes Swami Vivekanada in reference to prove their false statements as true. The BJP gave so many fake promises in the Vision Document and now lectured quoting Swami Vivekananda. I am surprised to see where is our State Tripura going that liars are now giving lectures of Swami Vivekananda by wearing saffron clothes. Before the election they promised so many jobs and now because they can't give jobs, Ratanlal Nath is lecturing unemployed to get Atma Nirvar instead of seeking jobs".
"Ratanlal Nath releases JUMLA every week and that's why he is Biplab Deb's favourite", the Editor said.
www.youtube.com/watch TIWN Editor takes a dig at Ratanlal's justification behind Govt's failure to fill-up vacant posts.
"I also observed how he is asking social pension receivers to be Atma-Nirvar. How selfish and heartless he is ! So many old people due to them are suffering after the Govt stopped social pensions. How much low mentality they have, it proves. Hundreds of old people are dying although these are not covered in the media", the Editor said.
(BJP before election, promised to give 50,000 Govt jobs by 2018-19 which were already vacant under the Left Govt, but failed to give even 1,500 Govt jobs in the first year)
Talking about 10323 teachers, the Editor said, "10323 teachers are protesting for around 2 months but Biplab Deb and Ratanlal Nath don't care. They only will care when you will stage protest like Secretariat gherao. You can remember how 10323 teachers' strong protest forced the Govt to call them after the Secretariat protest. So, gherao of Biplab Deb, Ratanlal Nath to remind about their promise will work-out"
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