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Amid COVID-19 pandemic, preparations for Manasa Puja begins in Tripura
TIWN July 31, 2020
TIWN July 31, 2020
PHOTO : A potter making Manasa Goddess idol in Agartala. TIWN Pic July 31, 2020
AGARTALA, July 31 (TIWN): With the arrival of festive season the idol makers have geared up in giving final shape to the idols across the state.
Although, this year COVID-19 pandemic has hit the country along with the world, works for Manasa Puja continues by potters.
As Durga Puja is closer already pandles, idols of Devi Durga are making by artists.
Before that Manasa Puja, Biswakarma Puja will be held and presently for Bengali people’s festive season, the businessmen are hoping for a good sell during puja session.
Moreover, artisans have already begun to prepare idols of Devi Durga and shop-keepers are planning for making stocks for the upcoming festive season.
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