TIWN Oct 25, 2019

AGARTALA, Oct 25 ( TIWN ) : Education Minister Ratan Lal Nath's Swachchha Bharat drama and riding bicycle got failed to captive public as a mask is not capable enough to hide the original face for a long.
Tripura's Education department is becoming the perfect example low maintainance as the authority is busy in doing dramas like Swachchha Bharat Abhiyan in already cleaned area for weekly photoshoot.
Education Minister Ratan Lal Nath's education revolution plan is nothing but a scam, similar to 'Biplab's 50000 jobs in first year' promise, where question paper of TET is getting sold out on huge price before the examination by their own officials. Seems like the Education Department of Tripura is really running from shortage of money. And instead of taking a strict action against it, Nath is more interested in riding bicycle with bodyguard running behind himself just like a comedy show, creating a Tamasha in mid road of the city.
BJP Govt get completely failed to solve the unemployment problem. They have promised to give 50000 jobs in first year and 7 lakhs in three years. Instead of doing so, they now have decided to shut down 961 Govt schools of Tripura in the name of "Quality Education ". Where thousands of youths are roaming here and there, even after clearing the TET exam, Nath have decided to minimize the vacancies by closing the schools and hampering almost 8000 student's education. Seems like Tripura's Education department is only for photoshoots and political favours instead of the welfare of students and unemployed educated candidates.
In the eighteen month of Tripura's BJP regime, they have proven themselves as the biggest failure in solving problems like unemployment and quality of education, where 10,323 teachers are going to loose tgeur jobs in few months, 791 TET qualified candidates are running for jobs, hundreds of schools are getting closed, question papers are getting leaked before exams. And instead of doing something to minimize this problems, authorities like Jumla Lal are busy in cleaning the already cleaned areas for show, riding bicycles with other officials, attaching some colourful balloons and posters, not thinking about the darkness creating in common People's life.
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