TIWN Jan 29, 2017
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AGARTALA, Jan 29 (TIWN): In a shocking revelation it was unearthed that Tripura courts are burdened with total 1 lakh 48 thousand 275 pending cases, among them maximum are traffic crimes, which implies Police inaction, faulty traffic management behind increasing accidents and deaths on road in Tripura. While revealing the data, Justice SC Das in the inaugural programme of Maha-Lok-Adalat said that Tripura Lower Courts have all together 1 lakh 48 thousand 275 pending cases, among them 10,154 cases are civil cases, and criminal cases are 1,38,121. Das also mentioned that most of the criminal cases are based on traffic related issues and thus if all the traffic challans can be gathered then only 40,000 will remain under Civil and Criminal cases. Das further said that the state govt of Tripura announced about the reduction of fine with 50 % in traffic cases and in this Lok Adala 53,000 cases are expecting to solved. High Court Justice T Vaiphei said when Supreme Court notices the figure of pending cases under Tripura lower courts, then it reveals as unsatisfactory, while most of the cases were filed under traffic dept. Pressuring upon the necessity of faster judgement, he said, due to the huge number of traffic cases the Judicial officers are so much burdened that they are unable to focus on serious cases.
Apart from that the video recording of evidences and other modern technologies can speed up the justice.
But, DGP K Nagraj who always remains busy how to diminish the cases numbers prefers on spot money collection or challan filling up so that it can reduce court issues. But will the number of accident reduce only through challan? Question raises, why Tripura can not make strong cahrgesheet for violating traffic rules? Driving without helmet, lapses of insurances are, reckless driving are very common in Tripura; but the breaking of laws under traffic rules is never taken as a serious offences. Police often do not take theft robbery like cases which was figured out as 25 %, but although traffic dept taking cases, but a section of police allegedly do it on a purpose which is nothing new for the Citizens here and that’s ‘Bribe’.
Sections like dangerous driving can result in a jail term of six months while driving without a license can lead to three months in prison. Driving a vehicle without valid insurance as well as allowing a person without a license to drive can also result in three months' jail. But in this way chargesheets are not made in Tripura, resulting the pending of cases more than a lakh.
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