AGARTALA, March 17 (TIWN): With every passing day, the dream of commencement of BG passenger train in Tripura is coming closer. Just counting days are left to state the BG passenger service in Tripura. After years of struggling, the BG train has ultimately made its entry in the railway map of the country.With the successful trial run of the BG engine to Udaipur railway station form Agartala has paved the way for the development of the transportation and connectivity in the state. It was an emotional moment in India's mountainous north-eastern region when the engine head ran on the newly converted BG track for the first time creating a history in Udaipur. The metre gauge tracks laid over a century ago are being uprooted and have paved the way for the BG service.Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India's erstwhile "Look East" policy into an "Act East" policy has made this much awaited dream successful for the landlocked Tripura.It is to be mentioned here that the ruling government under its regime did not take any initiative to look into the development of the transportation and communication facility of the state.The Badarpur-Agartala railway track conversion began from October 1 and the entire work is completed much before the stipulated March 2016 deadline.It was possible because narrow gauge track was laid in a big portion of the track in Broad Gauge format. Besides, other works like construction of railway stations, staff quarters or creation of water bodies have already been completed.
A total of around 227 km of track from Badarpur to Agartala is almost completed before March 31, 2016.
Agartala will find a place in the railway map. Earlier in the first phase, 220-km-long gauge conversion was completed on the Lumding-Silchar route. In the second phase, the long Badarpur-Agartala section is converted.
The successful run of the trains on the broad-gauge track will bring sync with those in the rest of the country and Tripura is gearing up for faster connectivity and communication with several parts of the nation.
It is to be mentioned here that with an aim to inspect the railway tracks, the NFR has successfully run the BG railhead upto Udaipur from Agartala railway station. As the deadline coming closure, the progress in the work of the BG conversion is undergoing in full swing. It is expected that within few months the people of Udaipur are going to enjoy the train service in full wave. However, on the occasion of the first broad gauge engine heading towards Udaipur huge interest has been observed among the people.
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