AGARTALA, March16 (TIWN): Transport Minister Manik Dey on Wednesday hoisted a meeting with the delegates of IOCL, Railway authority, FCI and other at Civil Secretariat.
Delegates from IOCL, Railway FCI mainly remained present in the program.
The sources say that the meeting was organised to discuss on the issue of the ongoing petrol crisis, and undergoing railway work in the state mainly.
However the meeting decided that the newly converted BG track is all set to run the BG train but everything depends on the CRS inspection report.
It was also discussed that the CRS inspection will be carried out on 26 or 27 March and depending on the report of CRS inspection the train will be set to run on the tracks.
He further said that apart from the CRS inspection the track is all set to run the train; however the train cannot be rolled until it gets CRS clearance.
If everything falls in place, the Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) is likely to run passenger train on the newly converted Broad-Gauge track in state by April. If possible the BG passenger train will be a gift to the people of landlocked Tripura ahead of the Bengali New Year.
Agartala BG passenger service can kick off at any moment as it is just waiting for green signal from CRS inspection. It is to be mentioned here that the BG freight train is continuously arriving in the state with goods.
However, the sources from the Railway authority said that the track is all set to start BG passengers train but nothing can be done before CRS inspection as safety is top most priority.
NFR is all set to conduct the CRS inspection to ensure safety of the track which is newly converted from Metre gauge to Broad gauge.
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