Agartala, January 22 (TIWN): New scam revealed out at Kailasahar. Siphoning of Rs 45 lakhs 86 thousand rupees under RMSA has been reported from Chaintal Madhyamik Vidalaya. According to the local sources, in the financial year 2011-12, Rs 45 lakh 86 thousand rupees was dispatched for the construction of double storied building containing 8 rooms. But the work started in the year 2013. Though, the sanctioned amount have been granted for the construction of double storied building, but the actual truth revealed out that the whole amount was invested only for the construction of one storied building.
According to the official of the Unakoti, the whole process was advanced according to the instruction of the high level officers of Rural Development department.
The building which has been constructed is also not up to the level. The materials which were used for the construction is below the satisfactory level. It is to be mentioned here that the whole amount was handed over to the Rural Development department on 26th June 2013. But the respective department is mentioning the excuse of the rise in essential commodities.
In the ongoing 'Statewide Scam Festival of Manik's Tripura' it is not quite sure how many more scams are going to be unearthed? All the recent scams which was unearthed in the recent time all the scamsters are close aids of So. Called Mr. Clean Chief Minister Manik Sarkar who is also known as the poorest and honest Chief Minister’s in all over India. The state government is busy in playing dirty politics. At present from minister to CPIM party workers remain deep necked in corruption. The uninterrupted 21year stint in power seems to have taken a toll on the financial transparency of the Left Front administration in Tripura.
Corruption in implementation of rural development schemes continues unabated. There isa state government of Tripura eats up all the money which comes from the central government for development. The state government deep necked in corruption and CPIM is not the Government for the people. The Left Front do not care about peoples and there problems, they do not settle issues. He also criticizes the Left Front Government’s alternative policies and said that those are against common people.
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