TIWN Oct 21, 2022
AGARTALA, Oct 21 (TIWN): On Friday Astabal Rally while delivering speech Former CM Manik Sarkar said in School there are no teachers, in College there are no Professors, in Hospital no Doctors and Nurses are there, he also said that there is shortage of Health staffs and Medicines in Hospitals. Sarkar asked, “What type of Tripura is this?” as needle, thread all have to buy from outside, the ambulance which is being used to bring Patient party from village areas to Agartala Hospitals, the Petrol, Diesel prices all have to be carried by the patient party, allegedly.
Sarkar blamed that the ruling BJP Govt is playing with the Education Department which will darken the future of students, he also said that if the Health Department and the Education Department bring back on the right track then nothing can be done by this ruling party.
Sarkar in the Programme urged the public to create connections with each other to evict the ruling BJP Govt.