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TBKU conducts triennial conference
TBKU conducts triennial conference
PHOTO : TBKU holds annual conference at Banamalipur power office

Agartala, January 10 (TIWN): Tripura Bidyut Karmi Union (TBKU), Sub-Division II local committee today conducted its fifteenth second triennial conference at Banamalipur power office premises. The income and expenditure for the period 2009-14 and secretarial reports were submitted in the conference.

In the report, secretary of Sub-Division II local committee, TBKU- Apu Ghosh mentioned that a total of Rs. 79, 218 for the period 2009-14 including 29 members’ monthly subscription of Rs. 2496, renewal collection of Rs. 130, EEFI collection of Rs. 78, land purchase fund of Rs. 800 and for TKU state conference Rs. 10100 for the year 2014 has been deposited to central committee.

According to the report, the highest amount of Rs. 53,072 from 27 members of sub-division II local committee was deposited to central committee in the year 2013 while in 2012 the amount was Rs. 2808.

Explaining the secretarial report, Apu Ghosh said a total of Rs. 16 crore 8 lakh and 68 thousand was collected against the revenue target of Rs. 19.8 crore during last year.

As many as 9960 power consumers including 8249 active consumers are there in the locality, he added. Altogether 46.21 km HT line including 21.24 km dedicated line and 47.74 km LT line have been set up. In total six feeders were installed at Lake Chowmohani, RMS Chowmohani, Central Road, Rupashi Cinema and Vedicate, added Das. Overall 268 electric meters were found out of order. Among them over 200 meters have already been replaced with new meters while rest are being replaced step-by-step, said Das.

Besides, Das said, since last conference, TBKU conducted a total of 41 conferences including 18 working committee conferences and 23 general conferences. At last, urged all the member of TBKU to strengthen the union with an aim to extend the different activities.

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