Amitabha Sengupta
NEW DELHI/ AGARTALA, January 9 (TIWN) : MLA Birjit Sinha will be the next Pradesh Congress President of Tripura. AIIC President has already signed the selection letter and only the formalities are now left. A highly placed source in AICC told TIWN from Delhi over phone ," Madam Sonia Gandhi has signed the appointment letter and within a day two the official announcement will be made either by press conference or by press release. " It is to be mentioned here that Birjit Sinha was the President of PCC earlier as we'll and under his leadership Congress made far more better result in Assembly election than under MLA Sudip Roy Barman. A highly placed source in the AICC confirmed this correspondent ," Actually the decision is final . However, only PCC President will be changed now. Sudip Roy Barman will remain as the Leader of the Opposition. But after a month or two even Leader of Opposition will be awarded to the Birjit lobby and MLA Asish Kumar Saha or MLA Jiten Sarkar is the front runner for the post. " Meanwhile as the news spread already a split seems to have developed in PCC with a large number of current PCC members likely to stand in revolt against the AICC's decision.
It is no surprise that AICC too is in back foot after back to back defeats in different assembly elections since 2014 Lok Sabha Poll. Yet the AICC took this decision as the common people are now taking themselves away from Congress .
It is to be mentioned here that just before the Assembly Election in 2013 Sudip Roy Barman was made PCC President in Tripura but the party performed very badly in that election winning only 10 seats in the 60 members Assembly in spite of widespread resentment against the Left Govt.
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