Agartala, Oct 10 (TIWN) In an unusual incident, the division bench of the Tripura High Court upheld the life imprisonment of a woman for killing her husband in March 14, 2009.
The division bench of the Tripura High Court comprises the Chief Justice Deepak Gupta and Subhashish Talapatra Wednesday after a long hearing upheld the verdict of north Tripura’s Kailashahar district and session judge which had sentenced for life imprisonment to Kalpana Debnath.
Kalpana killed her husband Barindra Debnath at their home at Kumarghat in northern Tripura. The terrible incident happened after an infrequent quarrel between the duo following Barindra’s suspicious about Kalpana’s illicit affairs with a neighbour.
After murdering her husband, Kalpana had surrendered to the police.
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