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AMC held budget expenditure talk
TIWN April 25, 2017
TIWN April 25, 2017
PHOTO : AMC held budget expenditure talk. TIWN Pic April 25
AGARTALA, April 25 (TIWN): A meeting was held among AMC Officials led by AMC Mayor Prafullajit Sinha on Tuesday regarding budget expenditure for the year.
On April 10, the Agartala Municipal Corporation (AMC) Mayor placed a budget of Rs. 360 crore with a bearable deficit of Rs. 65 lakh for the year 2015-16 at city center.
In 2016-17 the budget was sanctioned of Rs. 355.00 crores; however in the running year the budget has hiked with Rs. 360 crores.
Reportedly, 359.35 lakhs of capital and taxes have been assumed to receive in this year, whereas the expenditure is 360 with the shortage of 65 lakhs.
The shortage has been targeted to fill up from the unpaid sections under AMC. However, regarding the utilization of the fund.
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