TIWN April 5, 2017
AGARTALA, April 5 (TIWN): Due to the year-wide corruptions of RD Dept. RD Depts, now the Govt is unable to match the tally of documents of work completion and the actual works done in state. In this situation only 1 months left to complete the deadline to finish the ground work and if not, the Central to stop all the funds in this running year. However, question raises, will MGNREGA work to be stopped in state ? If stops who will be responsible for that ? However, for every states, the same rules are applicable including all NE states. With a notification, released by Centre RD Dept with the reference of Joint Secretary Aparjita Sarangi’s email on Tuesday it’s now all clear that Tripura will face major jolts in MGNREGA as before April month Central Govt has asked to keep all documents ready including actual work progression for further fund releasing in 2 installments. Tripura’s condition is so pathetic that it’s impossible to show the documents of utilization and other works. A notice was given by Central RD Dept to all the state and UT.
The notice mentioned, “this is with reference of 1st tranche of Central share of funds under MGNREGA during the FY 2017-18…… it is proposed to release the 1st tranche of central share of funds under MGNREGA in two installments in accordance with the agreed to anticipated labour demand for FY 2017-18”.
“In the 1st installment, the fund requirements for the first quarter i.e. April to June 2017 would be calculated on the basis of month wise projection of labour demands to be provided by the states / UTs (as on 01.04.2017). The fund will be released as first installment of 1st tranche. As per the press release :
1) District-wise and moth-wise projection of agreed to anticipated labour demand (person days) to be provided employment. 2) Proposal with annexure A&B alongwith supporting documents mentioned in the annexure vide letter dated 15th Sept, 2016, 3 ) Consolidated state-wise opening balance (OB) figures as on 01. 04. 2017 duly authenticated by the state / UTs, 4) Settlement of MGNREGA accounts upto FY 2015-16.
For the second installment of 1st tranche (July to September) the thumb rules are :
1) Submission of utilization certificate, 2) Proposal with annexure A&B along with supporting documents mentioned in the annexure vide letter dated 15th Sept, 2016, 3) Settlement of MGNREGA accounts up to the FY 2015-16, 4) Satisfying reply / clarifications on the information sought by the Ministry while releasing the last installments during the FY, if any, 5 ) Point wise reply / clarification on the issues raised in the minutes of the empowered committee meeting on Labour Budget for 2017-18.
About physical performance also there are strict rules given by Central and this is the reason why Manik Sarkar mentioned that NDA government trying to scuttle MGNREGA. "The present central government is gradually curtailing the allocation of funds under the MGNREGA to close the rural job scheme," Sarkar said while addressing a meeting of the Tripura State Employment Guarantee Council here on Monday evening. The issue was also discussed on Tuesday during a state cabinet meeting chaired by Sarkar.