SABROOM, Feb 11 (TIWN) : With the poll date near, most of the CP-IM candidates' door to door campaign gets momentum.From door-to-door campaigning, opening up election offices, distribution of pamphlets and displaying banners the candidates are taking several initiatives to woo the voters for the Village Council Election, which is scheduled to be held on Feb 24 next.
All the aspirants have found this morning on a hectic campaign in the remote village area of Gardhan Village of Kalacharra under Satchand RD Block.
The battle lines have been set and key political foes identified and strategies fixed. “The campaign is in full swing. The holidays helped us in reaching out to the voters”, said CPIM candidates.The campaign is well on track and the party machinery is well-oiled. MLA Pravat Choudhury was also campign for those candidates.
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