AGARTALA, Feb 10 (TIWN): With the ensuing Saraswati puja, officials of the Tripura State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) have already ensured that without any prior permission from the concern authority club or any other organization cannot play any amplifier.
According to the official reports, the Tripura State Pollution Control Board has instructed that without any prior written permission from the nearest police station no organization or club will be allowed to play any kind of amplifier.
Besides, it has been mentioned that on February 12 and 13 till night 12 am people can play amplifier till a limited sound.
It is to be mentioned here that people cannot play any kind of noisy amplifier from 12 am in the night to 6 am in the morning.
Besides, people cannot play amplifier in the restricted area which includes hospital, court and others. If the area people are interested to conduct puja than they have to play the amplifier 100 meter away from the concern buildings.
It is to be mentioned here that sound pollution is an accepted danger for the patients and the people who are aged. Besides, every citizen has the right to stay in peace.
Under Article 21 of the Constitution, the citizens have a right of a decent environment and they have a right to live peacefully, right to sleep at night and to have a right to leisure which are all necessary ingredients of the right to life guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution.
However, to control the increasing ambient noise level in public places from various sources including construction work, use of amplifier, vehicle horn and others Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 has been enacted by the Government of India in exercise of its powers conferred under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
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