KALYANPUR Jan 25 (TIWN) After declaring the name of candidates by CPI-M following the upcoming ADC village election the proclamation of their candidates in the ADC area is in full swing. On Monday one rally and concourse organized by the local CPI-M committee supporting their candidates held at Prem Singh village under Kalyanpur.
Following the rally and concourse the gathering of the peoples was a must watch. Showing the candidates in front of the voters all the CPI-M leaders started their promoting so called “ Golden Era” in their prospect.
Later at the Godaibari School field they organized a fabulous gathering of people leaded by Jitendra Debbarma and addressed by the CIP-M District President Shankar Das.
At the concourse the guest of honor Pranab Chakraborty suggested all the voters to give their valuable votes in the name of development done by the CPI-M Government in last 23 year.
The name of the candidates are Bipin Debbarma( No.1 ward no.1 seat ), Nisha Rani Debbarma ( no.1 ward no.2 seat ), Manindra Debbarma ( No.2 ward no. 3 seat ), Fulmala Debbarma ( No. 2 ward no. 4 seat ), Mantu Debbarma ( no. 3 ward no. 5 seat ), Sachi Rani Debbarma ( no. 3 ward no.6 seat ), Subrata Debbarma ( No. 4 ward no. 7 seat).
The proclamation of CPI-M is getting interesting day by day. The last answer will be given by the voters.
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