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NPMO demands amendment of Labour law

KAILASAHAR, July 12 (TIWN): The members of National platform of Mass organization (NPMO) demanding immediate amendment of labour law hold a mass convention at kailsahar town hall on Sunday.

Addressing the convention at kailsahar town hall, CITU state committee member Samar Chakraborty said that the present system of labour law in India require amending as it does not facilitate any favorable benefits for the labours of the state.  

Labour law mediates the relationship between workers (employees), employers, trade unions and the government, supplying benefits for the labors but its seen that recent modification in the law has deprived the labours from this facility. Earlier the time period for working was 8 hours in day and now it has changed into 12 hours which is seriously criticized by NPMO, said Samar Chakraborty.

He further said that present labour law formulates that any organization with more than 20 labourers in a unit will only get the facility of the labour law, where earlier the margin was 10 where any organization with more than 10 labourers would get the facility of the labour law. With the recent amendment of the law by the ruling central government has deprived many of the labourers under this law.

The members of NPMO further said that the recent modification has destitute the labourers from the facility of labour law.

However, NPMO divisional Joint Convener Krishnendu Chowdhury, Joint Convener Niranjan Roy, Kailasahar Minicipal Couincil Vice-chairperson Kantilal Deb along with other dignitaries remained present in the program.



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