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Man beat up by public after molested a minor girl : Police arrested the culprit
TIWN May 24, 2024
Man beat up  by public after molested a minor girl : Police arrested the culprit
PHOTO : Amal Das allegedly molested a minor girl in Gandhigram. TIWN Pic May 24, 2024

AGARTALA, May 24 (TIWN): A minor girl who lost her mother recently was in home alone, cleaning utensils when her father went out to work.

The incident happened in Gandhigram area.

A man named Amal Pal came to the house and asked her to give him mangoes. When she was plucking mangoes, he molested her and pressed her mouth.

She saved herself anyhow and came out of the home. She informed locals and called her father.

Public beat up Amal Pal and then handed him over to police.


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