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Water crisis in GB Hospital Affecting Dialysis Services : Patients wait for hours ; Still Receive low services
TIWN May 11, 2024
Water crisis in GB Hospital Affecting Dialysis Services : Patients wait for hours ; Still Receive low services
PHOTO : Patient parties waiting in front of dialysis center, GB hospital. TIWN Pic May 11, 2024

AGARTALA, May 11 (TIWN): Due to non-operational water pump, massive water crisis has erupted in GB hospital causing troubles in dialysis services. On Saturday, patients were seen sitting for hours to get services. The patient parties said this is not a new problem but a regular problem that started three months. The dialysis patients are given 4 hours of services but due to the water crisis issue, they are now told by the hospital staff that only 2 and a half hours of dialysis services can be given. Talking to a patient party, she said, “The nurses are saying, that is not their fault. If a water crisis prevails, they can not provide the services. Patients can not eat and wait for the treatment. Our patient is suffering due to a fever. We have been waiting since morning but feeling helpless. If the water services were given properly then we did not need to wait for hours.”

A patient who was waiting for services said, “It’s so painful to sit for hours. Whenever we come, there is a water crisis problem. We want relief from this trouble. Instead of 4 hours, only 2 and a half hours of dialysis is given, so our body is not getting cleaned and the water stays inside. It’s really very painful to bear.”

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