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2 years old critical after boiling water fell on her
TIWN April 2, 2024
2 years old critical after boiling water fell on her
PHOTO : Injured Farzina Begum critical at child ward, GB hospital. TIWN Pic April 2, 2024

AGARTALA, April 2 (TIWN): A two-year-old girl is critical after she had fallen with boiling water that was put in an oven for rice boiling.

The injured girl Farzina Begum has been critical at GB Hospital.

The child is now at a critical stage and undergoing treatment at GB hospital.

The incident took place in Bejimara area of Sonamura.

Her mother said, rice was being boiled when the little girl went near the oven and touched the boiling rice pan and fell with that. Immediately cold water was given to her body, rushed to the local hospital. From there, she was referred to GB hospital.

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