TIWN April 19, 2023

AGARTALA, April 19 (TIWN): With the upsurging Covid-threats in various states, Tripura Doctor Kanak Chowdhury has assured that there is nothing to be panicked yet for Tripura as Covid has not started seriously yet. However, the Doctor has suggested public to stay away from germs and virus and to do that wearing mask and cleaning hands regularly is important. He has suggested health workers to start wearing masks all the time.
“Seems like many other states, chances of Covid rise is existing in this state Tripura too due to huge connectivity and public’s travel from across the nation, but there is nothing so serious in state. Few who are arriving from other states and detected, they are asymptomatic and treatment is going on in their home. Still, it’s better to stay careful to avoid the disease fully”, said Dr. Chowdhury.
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