TIWN April 7, 2020
UDAIPUR / AGARTALA / NEW DELHI, April 7 (TIWN): With the first COVID Positive patient was detected, emergency alerts have been given across the Udaipur subdivision, where the patient stayed in home since return from Guwahati on 19th March via Tripura Sundari train. Total 33 persons are quarantine and administration is screening further.
“As per rule, 1 KM area identified in the COVID-19 patient’s house location, nobody should come out of that area. Police will be there in that area and vehicle passing through will not be allowed to stop. If anyone breaks rule then strictest action will be taken. Total 3 persons are membered in the COVID-19 positive person’s family and many people were residing in that house. Total 33 persons already sent to quarantine including a child and door to door surveillance will be started from today”, said DM Gomati Tarun Kanti Bhowmik.
DM also clarified that main Quarantine persons are only four (4) and others kept in separate places only.