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Rajasthan: BJP, Cong rush to rebels, independents as exit polls hint split verdict
Rajasthan: BJP, Cong rush to rebels, independents as exit polls hint split verdict

Jaipur, Dec 1 : As different exit polls for the Rajasthan Assembly elections are hinting to a split verdict in the state, Congress and BJP workers are rushing to rebel and independent candidates to play it safe in case they fall short of the majority mark.

Third front parties like the RLP, BSP, Bharatiya Adivasi Party and CPI(M) are claiming to jointly win 12 to 17 seats in the state. Besides them, about 10 independents are also certain about their victory. In case these claims turn out to be true, they will together have nearly 25 seats in their kitty and thus in case of hung assembly, these parties and independent candidates can play the role of king maker in the state.

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