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Indian tech leaders stand behind Ola's Bhavish in his fight against Microsoft & LinkedIn
Indian tech leaders stand behind Ola's Bhavish in his fight against Microsoft & LinkedIn

New Delhi, May 13 : Indian tech industry leaders have come out in support of Ola Founder and CEO, Bhavish Aggarwal, after his tirade against Microsoft-owned LinkedIn for deleting his posts and "bullying Indians" into agreeing with the Big Tech platforms or cancelling them out.

Homegrown IT software company Zoho's CEO Sridhar Vembu agreed with Aggarwal, saying "we in India have to strongly resist this woke imperialism".

"It is best understood as a fanatical religious doctrine that masquerades as a socio-political movement," Vembu posted on X social media platform.

Edtech company Unacademy CEO Gaurav Munjal earlier posted that this is so "f***** up on LinkedIn’s part".

An angry Ola CEO on Saturday announced the termination of Microsoft Azure cloud's services and moved the entire workload of his company to his own AI venture called Krutrim.

"We've decided to move our entire workload out of Azure to our own Krutrim cloud within the next week," he said in a blog post.

When reached, LinkedIn or Microsoft did not comment on Aggarwal's blog post.

The tussle began when Ola CEO shared his thoughts on gender pronouns, with a LinkedIn post on "pronoun illness".

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