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Tripura College Guest Lecturers congratulate New Govt : Place demands
TIWN March 21, 2018
Tripura College Guest Lecturers congratulate New Govt : Place demands
PHOTO : Tripura Guest Lecturers placed deputation to Education Minister. TIWN Pic March 21

AGARTALA, March 21 (TIWN): The Guest lecturers of Tripura’s various Colleges held a rally at Agartala today and placed a deputation to the Education Minister Ratan Lal Nath.

They have highlighted their situation to mean the deprivation done since 10 years under the previous govt such as :

1)     “We have been working as guest lecturers for more than 1 to 10 years”,

2)     “All the guest lecturers working in Colleges are qualified with 55 % marks”,

3)     “All guest lecturers fulfill the criteria which were furnished by the Higher Education Dept”,

4)     “The labours and hardworks we put, it is no less than is no less than that of the regular staffs of degree colleges. We are taking extra classes beyond those which are allotted to us per month”,

5)     “Our job is not secure”,

6)     “Most of the times we are not getting our salaries properly”,

7)     “Maximum classes are carried on by the guest lecturers in each and every colleges of Tripura”,

8)     “We are being harassed through repeated interviews  every year for fresh appointments”,

9)     “There is no self-respect and freedome”,

10)  “There have been several negotiations with the govt regarding the regularization of our jobs, but no positive outcome”,

11)  “Our per class remuneration is 400/- , maximum 30  classes in month and minimum no limit”,

 The guest lecturers placed their demands as :

1)     Permanent post of the lectureship  of all existing guest lecturers are to be fulfilled,

2)     Re-engagement of those who were excluded in the previous session instead of having several years of teaching experience as guest lecturers.

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